Safety Net Annual Conference, and Update

Hey there! I know it’s been just a liiittle bit more than a week, but I swear I haven’t forgotten about this blog!

Last Friday I went to the annual Safety Net conference, just to see what it was all about. It was very interesting to see the different “camps” trying to get their viewpoint heard, as well as those who were obviously new to this “scene” and its predjudices. There were some presentations on Attachment Theory, which I found extremely interesting. I could definitely see some of the issues that insecure attachment brings, in myself. That is something I find interesting, because for an FLDS kid, I had a very “normal” and supportive childhood. I’m the oldest of eleven, I have five brothers and five sisters. My dad doesn’t have plural wives, which is a bit of a surprise to some. As the oldest, I had a lot of privileges that many other FLDS youth did not have. I was able to keep my own bank account, and had my own cell phone by 18. But still, I find myself with some of the typical insecurities that a majority of kids from these fundamentalist Mormon communities have. Thankfully I haven’t been affected so much that I have that “need” to become addicted to harmful substances, as many kids have. I feel like this gives me a unique perspective on the plight of FLDS youth. Being one myself, I can relate to many of the things that happen with them, and understand why they do the things they do, but I have never had issues with alcohol, drugs, or sex. Somewhere along the way, I have found the drive to get through school and figure my life through more healthy coping devices.

Some of the presenters at the Safety Net conference were really pushing for decriminalization, and although I bring it up, I don’t really know the answer to that question. Would decriminalization actually change anything? that’s my question. There were the Dargers who wrote the book “Love Times Three”, a positive account of an independent polygamist family. And from what I could see, they seem to be well-adjusted individuals. But I could also tell that they were possibly trying just a little too hard. There was also a representative from the Kody Brown family, of Sister Wives notoriety. (and his cameramen). Once again, I wonder if he was just told what to say. Listening to people argue for polygamy is a very interesting thing to me. Because I’ve seen every argument before. Everything from “It’s an alternative lifestyle” to “Mind your own business” to “People practiced it in the bible, it must be good!” And none of these arguments stack up in my mind against some of the hard numbers. How can you say polygamy is good with only consenting adults, and then put people in a situation where they don’t really have much of a choice? What about the fact that the birth rates are 50/50 for male to female? Back when I was in the FLDS “Priesthood Schools” then they actually told us that there were more women in the world because the Lord had designed for polygamy to be the way of life. So, that was interesting. There is a wide range of individuals in polygamy. From the very strict hardliners such as the FLDS and the Kingston group (they scare me even more than the FLDS), to the more open communities and independents such as the AUB/Allred group and the Centennial Park group, and the Dargers. I don’t know what the solution is to the polygamy issue, but I was glad I was able to attend the conference and see some of the internal workings of maybe the possibilities of discourse.


On a more personal note, I’ve been doing a lot of construction work lately, that’s one reason I haven’t updated this blog. Working about 12 hours a day with my construction job and my retail job combined makes for a tired yehaa. Unfortunately, I don’t know how long this construction job will last. The pay isn’t bad, but it’s very inconsistent. My first paycheck was 3 days late, and I didn’t even know my pay rate until I received the check. Not good when I’m trying to make some rent and other things happen. I’m trying to find something a little more consistent for the next two months until school kicks in and I can get grants and loans to cover costs. Just the never-ending struggle of juggling finances. I’m feeling a lot better about it though, so maybe getting out of the house and out working has helped my mood, even though I’m ridiculously tired whenever I’m at home now…. haha. Thanks for reading, and catch you in the next couple weeks?

3 thoughts on “Safety Net Annual Conference, and Update

  1. Third Cousin June 17, 2012 at 8:11 pm Reply

    Thanks for your perspective on the conference, Yehaaa. Very interesting. It was nice to meet you there.

  2. Watergirl June 18, 2012 at 8:36 am Reply

    Good for you for getting out of the house and attending the conference and for finding some summer work. Hopefully it will help you take a break from your own confusion. I can certainly see why youth go for drugs, alcohol and sex after living the strict lifestyle. Your focus on school is much better and in the end a much more productive type of rebellion. I have been watching the National Geo. special “American Outliers” seems with all the extreme groups -education is banned. And regardless of sect if you leave you will go to hell and are shunned. Interesting to see there are common threads in all of them. Makes your experience more universal to others.

  3. susan October 11, 2012 at 7:41 am Reply

    I stumbled on your blog and I am impressed with your self reflection and focus . Clearly , you do have what it takes to create a great life and all that entails . Just wanted to wish you a great future . I had the opportunity to drive through Colorado City and Centennial Park recently . Colorado City was so depressing and felt like I was being watched . No way can you have a joyous life and pursue all your talent in that situation . Write down all your goals and begin to plot a plan . Pursue friendships in small manageable ways such a through volunteer projects . I am curious , do you attend church , now that you have left FLDS ? wishing you happiness …

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